Michelle Obama's dress is very expensive

Written By Unknown on Saturday, March 12, 2011 | 5:21 AM

You have often heard expressions like, "cheap clothes, but so impressed that expensive because I wear them." That is, personality or overall appearance of the wearer could raise 'dignity' cheap clothes. And, this phrase seems to fit at all with customs Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama.

Michelle attended the Today Show on NBC stations, which was hosted by Matt Lauer. However, not talk about Michelle resistance of obesity in children to the attention of viewers, but the dress she was wearing. It's nothing. This tall women wearing a navy blue polka-dot dress and white output of H & M that cost just U.S. $ 34.95 (approximately USD 312 000)!

In Michelle's body, dress with ruffle accents on the chest is still look impressive. He gives personal touch to her dress with obi belt adds orange and complete with bright yellow pumps shoes. Uniquely, the original dress was sleeveless. Her stylist, Meredith Kroop, just add sleeves on the dress that Michelle's arm a tight cover.

According to Politico.com, the 28-year-old stylist plays a vital role in the choice of First Lady fashion. Kroop also believed to cause the election of Alexander McQueen gown worn Michelle in a state banquet. This option is considered controversial because Michelle would prefer British designer dress designer than the United States (U.S.).

However, Mrs O back deflect criticism in an interview on Good Morning America. He said he would still choose clothes that make her comfortable, no matter what brand.

"Gini deh," he said, "Just wear what you like. That's all I can say. That's my motto."

Koop was not the only person designated as unofficial stylist for Michelle though he was first assigned to the White House. Chicago boutique owner, Ikram Goldman, had been long known to help Michelle with berbusananya style. Many dresses the First Lady was purchased at his store.

The new women's 47th birthday is known for its style and often combine kasualnya designer items with other items that cost very affordable. When asked by Matt Lauer about the name with as a fashion icon, Michelle said, although very flattered, he did not regard it as something that should be exaggerated.

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Michelle Obama's dress is very expensive

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